Wish (2013): Niềm hi vọng sau một cuộc hiếp dâm

Chưa xem phim đã không kiềm nổi nước mắt.

Khải Đơn

Một buổi sáng trời mưa cô bé So-won nhỏ đến trường, sau khi người cha mệt mỏi rời nhà vì xưởng gọi, và người mẹ cầm dù chạy theo em, hỏi bé có muốn được đưa tới trường không. So-won nói em có thể tự đi, mẹ dặn hãy đi đường lớn đến trường. Những bạn trai hàng ngày vẫn đi chung xóm với em đã chạy trước vì trời mưa. Đó cũng là buổi sáng So-won không còn đến trường được nữa. Em bị hiếp dâm đến mức gần như chết, và bị ném vào thùng rác .

Sống ra sao sau một cuộc hiếp dâm?

Bộ phim “WISH” (Hi vọng – 2013) của đạo diễn Lee Joon-Ik đã bắt đầu bằng một buổi sáng ngập nước mưa và buồn như thế. Nhưng suốt bộ phim là một hành trình khác hẳn.

Ở đó, cha mẹ So-won lần đầu…

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The Culture War: Bourgeoisie vs. Bohemian

Stickley is one of the representatives for the Bohemian.

He is an antimaterialist craftsman.

His designed homes and furniture “would not be mini-palaces for the aspiring bourgeoisie. They would encourage a simple and naturalist style of life. They would offer “an escape” from the “machine of commercial tyranny” where people could get their spiritual lives in balance.” (Bobos in Paradise by David Brooks)

Below are some of his finishes: (http://www.stickley.com/OurProducts.cfm?finishes=Main)

Stickley Collections Finishes

I personally think the design looks delicate, simple yet still quite polishy and detailed.The materials used are mostly woods since I assume that it has an intimate link with the nature. However, I still think that these designs give out a feeling of luxury and perfection. Should something that is supposed to be natural be imperfect and not glossy? I guess these looks will suit the rich (both bourgeoisie and bohemian) who would like to connect with the nature, the art, and the spirit, but still not too far off from the reality. I am a totally amateur in this field, and do not want to make big statements. Just my feelings:)

This is something that I prefer, the minimalist style (though I guess it is still a mix between the nature and the artificials):

051014T L 048


What I learned from Rusty, my professor of Entrepreneurship class

Before venturing into startup world, one should:

1. Have a business plan.

2. Get a good lawyer.

3. Have a good mentor.

*Before investing in a business, ask the business owner these questions:

– Can you show me your business plan? (PLAN)

– Tell me about yourself. Or why this business/product? (YOU)

– How much cash do you need before break even? (CASH)

– How are you going to sell it? Competitors? Market segmentation? Differentiation? (MARKET)

– When are you going to give me my $ back? (As an investor, I CARE about this)

Ideas for Youth Development Workshop [Summer 2014]


– Critical Thinking (for local students)

– Working environment adaptation (for overseas students)

– Sales and Marketing skills (ability to sell yourself, communication skills such as writing, speaking, and negotiating)

– Team forming and task delegating (work with people smarter

– Listening skills (take notes, plan to report, avoid script writing trap, minimize/remove distractions, etc)


– Hands-on team and individual activities

– Appropriate and suitable adult mentor (in line with goal, life, career choice, etc)

– Community service ( to learn how to give)

*Some quotes from Rich Dad, Poor Dad – Robert T. Kiyosaki

“The main management skills needed for success are:

1. The management of cash flow.

2. The management of the system (including yourself and time with family)

3. The management of people.”

“Highly specialized, then unionize”

“The most important law of money: Give and you shall receive.”


Almost Maine

[Spoiler Warning]

“Almost Maine” is one of the best plays I have seen at OWU.

It comprises different small stories about relationships: love, sad, glad, found, be found, hope, disappointment, care, close, etc. The play was fun, creative, and touching. I found myself shedding tears in the middle of the show. Al the stories are simply easy to relate to. (A lot of kissing scenes haha). I love the way they try to turn abstract concepts into concrete images.

These are a few scenes that I can remember:

1. Một vòng Trái Đất/ Around the globe

Woman: I like sitting this close to you. Like this close. Next to you.

Man: No, actually you’re very far from me. Imagine the shape of the globe, we are one world away from each other.

2. Give it Back ( I cried on this one)

Woman: I have all your love in the car. Now I want to give them all back to you. Now give me all my love back.

Man: in the car?

Woman: (bring out 5 big red bags) Here they are. Now I need my love back.

Men: (bring out a small tiny red bag) This is all I could find.

Woman: Are you kidding me? That’s all the love I gave you?

Men: Yes

Woman: No way…

(They keep arguing)

Woman: Like seriously?? This is all…?

Men: It’s a ring, Gale.

Woman: What?!?

Man: It’s a ring. You gave me all your love for so many years….

Woman: 11 years.

Man: 11 years… And I don’t know where to put all of them. It’s too much. Then I asked my dad what should I do. He asked me: “Have you got a ring?”. A ring. Yes… It may look small, but it’s a lot. It’s all the love you gave me.

3. They Fell

Two man, best friends. They literally fell on the ice, literally fell in love with each other.

4. Story of Hope

She left her small town, and threw herself in life. After so many years, she came back to answer an important question from an important person.

“Will you marry me?”

She never answered it. Until now, she came back. She didn’t recognize him. In her childhood’s memory, he’s tall and big. Now she’s back, she is tall and he is tiny. Small town and big world. Then she said yes, but it’s too late. He has got married. And she kept venturing out there in her big world.

5. Fix

*West is her husband who left her to be with someone else. Her heart was broken. She then had a new artificial heart, which doesn’t have the same feelings towards her husband anymore. This killed West.

Woman: Give me my heart back. (Then she grabbed the bag from the man)

East: Why do you carry your heart with you? It’s broken.

Woman: But it’s my heart.

East: I can fix it. I’m a repairmen. I fix things, you know. Can you let me fix it?

Woman: Goodbye West… Hello, East!


Childhood dream? Passion? My future?

What am I good at?? What is my passion? What am I gonna do?

Those common questions keep popping up all the time, especially when we are about to graduate from college, to be about to be thrown out to real life. No more roses, they say. 23-year-old crisis, they say. For some, it’s 21 or 22, but you got the idea.

Seriously, what can I do? And what do I want to do? If I sit still and imagine myself in 20 years from now, where am I and what am I doing there?

Thanks for my Prof. Eric Gnezda who teaches me Public Speaking at school, I got a chance to listen Dr. Randy Pausch’s last lecture: Achieve Your Childhood dream. (Link here in case I would like to listen to it again for disheartening moments in my life). I myself tend to bring out my cynical side all the time, but Dr.Pausch was able to remove it gradually, little to little, and eventually there’s no cynic left, only inspiration, self-reflection, awakening moments, and tears.

I don’t know whether it’s a coincidence or not, but these few days when talking with my mom through Skype, she kept mentioning that she would love seeing me become a college professor, because the society is in a great need, and because teacher is a noble job.

Then I saw flash back in my head hearing Dr.Pausch talking about him committing himself in education, so that he can enable the dreams of others, because it’s even more fun than achieving your own dreams. To help others, to make the lesson learned by head fake learning, by having fun, by creating stuffs, by breaking the damn brick wall down to know how badly you want something.

Suddenly I remember what I was doing all the time when I was a child. I used chalk to write on the blackboard and talked continuously about something that I don’t remember, but what I remember is I was pretending I’m a teacher, lecturing and teaching all the imaginary kids in front of me. Whenever there are neighbor kids coming to the house, I sat them down and made them my students. I even remember once I asked my younger brother and his friend sitting on one of the stairs in my house, it was too narrow and uncomfortable that my brother kept moving and changing his position and eventually falling down to the ground. It must have hurt a lot since he cried. And maybe, maybe from that time, I stop pretending to be a teacher. I’m not quite sure, but it’s fading away, slowly.

And now it’s coming back again. All of the memories are finding the way back to me. What am I gonna do now? Is it something I want to do? To stand in front of, or to sit together with hundreds of students, and pass on the torch, enable their dreams, and let them know that things you got out of college, you may not see it right away (it’s head fake learning, remember?lol), but you will understand someday.

For now, it sounds good, and it makes me happy. Let’s see how it goes:)

Ngày xa xưa thật xưa…(R.I.P Yahoo 360)

Nhớ hồi xửa hồi xưa thời Yahoo 360 còn tung hoành, con bé như mình rất thích viết. Cứ hở ra một cái là lại yahoo 360, vui cũng 360, buồn cũng 360, tìm được một bài thơ tâm đắc hay một bản nhạc hay là lại viết linh tinh mơ màng về những cảm xúc vớ vẩn.

Nhớ hồi xưa thương thầm trộm nhớ một anh cũng lên 360. Viết kín đáo nhưng vẫn mong người ta đọc thấy mà hiểu tâm tư tình cảm của mình, kiểu như bây giờ các bạn trẻ giận hờn vu vơ ai lại pót sì ta tớt trên phây ấy;) Hồi xưa cũng nhờ yahoo 360 mà có một anh tấn công làm quen rồi thương mình ghê lắm, nhưng rồi tình duyên cũng trớt quớt không đi tới đâu.

Rồi hồi xưa hay mon men đi đọc blog người này người kia, hay lắm kìa. Nhìn cái cách người ta chọn font chữ, chọn màu nền, chọn avatar mà ngồi đoán tính cách của họ, lâu lâu thấy design hay hay đẹp đẹp cũng bắt chước làm theo. Đấy là cái cách mà thời mình hồi xưa stalk nhau, là qua những bài viết, những câu chuyện vu vơ mà mấy đứa bạn hay ai đó trút vào 360. Cứ như bây giờ thì cứ nhìn cột phải của FB hay click Home xem News Feed đọc vài dòng status ngắn ngủn. Hồi xưa thấy nhà nhà người người ai cũng viết dài lắm, viết hay lắm, viết đọc nhiều khi làm mình bật cười hay rơi nước mắt luôn. Mà hình như bây giờ thời gian quý báu quá, con người ta muốn sống lẹ quá, nên càng ngày càng viết ngắn lại. Điển hình không đâu xa xôi, từ 360 nhảy sang Facebook là bớt đi cả trăm chữ, từ Facebook sang Twitter bớt đi cả chục chữ, Twitter sang Instagram and Snapchat thì còn 1 vài chữ caption hay không có chữ cái nào luôn.

Mà điển hình là mình, lâu quá rồi không viết.

Người ta nói muốn viết giỏi thì phải viết nhiều, đọc nhiều. Lâu quá không viết nên mỗi lần viết rồi ngồi đọc lại lại cảm thấy khô khan gì đâu, thế mà cũng viết cho được.

Xong ngồi nuối tiếc sao hồi trước không copy lại yahoo 360 sang đâu đó để ngồi coi hồi xưa ta bé ta viết cái gì vậy ta?

Bây giờ ngồi tập tành viết lại thấy trời ơi sao khó quá chừng khó. Câu chữ thì ngắn cụt lủn không đầu không đuôi, văn chương thì khô không khốc. Kiểu như mình thấy có khi giống những người đang phải trải qua physical therapy, muốn lấy lại cảm giác của tay mình, của chân mình, mà sao khó. Như người ta, chắc mình phải kiên trì tập hoài hoài để lấy lại cảm giác viết lách như hồi xưa.

Nãy giờ không biết đã viết bao nhiêu lần cái cụm từ “hồi xưa” rồi. Mà để ý thì tính mình hay hoài niệm những chuyện cũ, những gì đã qua. Chắc phải bớt lại thôi. Mà lâu lâu emo tí tí thế này chắc cũng không sao đâu nhỉ.

Blog Kawaii_ yên nghỉ mày nhé. Tao nhớ mày nhiều.

Tâm Nguyễn